
Gert van Duinen is a Dutch based illustrative logo & brand identity designer and founder of cresk, a brand identity consultancy primarily focusing on exclusive brandmark design, brand identity revitalization and brand identity development. Officially I’ve been into graphic design since the mid 90′s, after studying graphic design from which I received a handful of diplomas and certificates. But according to mom I’ve been scribbling signs & symbols before I could walk. I’ve always been intrigued and passionate about iconic design and logos, trademarks and anything distinguishable by either brandmark or impression.

As a senior designer, creative director, as well being a sign-maker and packaging designer, I have worked with a number of national leading creative agencies, advertising firms and branding consultancies. Meanwhile I have worked with a number of globally recognized clients, including Hallmark, Dish Networks, MTV, TMF, Coca Cola, ING, Philips, to name but a few.

Throughout the years some of my work has gained exposure in a wide spectrum of media, ranging from creative magazines to viral campaigns and television broadcasting. My work has been published and featured in books, blogs, articles, advertorials, and several logo design related galleries.

As a reliable self-employed brand identity designer and consultant for the past couple of years, I thrive with the most important characteristics for a successful logo and identity design, such as originality, distinctiveness, relevance, memorability and maybe even pushing a few boundaries as well.